
Board of Trustees

Valley School’s Board of Trustees acts as a steward of the school’s long-term sustainability by ensuring financial stability and providing strategic counsel in fulfillment of our mission.


List of 4 items.

  • Catharine M. Cathey ’81, President

    Ex Officio
    All Committees
  • Ralph J. Artuso ’71, Vice President

    Committee on Trustees, Chair
    Advancement Committee
    Building & Grounds Committee
    Executive Committee
  • Paul A. Hannah, Treasurer

    Finance Committee, Chair
    Executive Committee
    Investment Committee
  • Lisa R. Frederick ’87, Secretary

    Real Estate Committee, Chair,
    Executive Committee
    Committee on Trustees


List of 11 items.

  • Ryan S. Busch ’98, M.D.

    Building & Grounds Committee
    Real Estate Committee
  • Nathaniel D. DeRose ’97, Esq.

    Executive Committee
    Real Estate Committee
    Committee on Trustees
  • Eric E. Elek, C.F.P.

    EITC Committee, Chair,
    Executive Committee
    Finance Committee
    Investment Committee
  • Patrick F. Koch ’96

    Audit Committee, Chair,
    Advancement Committee
    Real Estate Committee
  • John McConnell

    Building & Grounds Committee, Chair
  • Edward J. Morgan

    Investment Committee, Chair
    Finance Committee
  • Jessica L. Shirey ’96

    Advancement Committee
    Building & Grounds Committee
    Real Estate Committee
  • Stephanie A. Van Norman

    Advancement Committee, Co-Chair
  • Jennifer T. Welty

    Advancement Committee
  • Anthony P. Williams, Ed.D.

    Advancement Committee
    EITC Committee
  • Jonathan P. Strecker, Ed.D., Ex Officio

    Advancement Committee
    Building & Grounds Committee
    Executive Committee
    Finance Committee
    Investment Committee
    Real Estate Committee
    Committee on Trustees

Valley School of Ligonier

Address: 153 Lupine Lane, Rector PA 15677
Mail: PO Box 616 Ligonier, PA 15658
Phone: (724) 238-6652  Fax: (724) 238-6838
In an environment that is safe, challenging, nurturing, and disciplined, Valley School provides a balanced and strong program of study for a diverse group of children. Our goal is to stimulate in each young person lifelong habits of moral behavior, seeking wisdom, and doing good works for others.
© Valley School of Ligonier. All Rights Reserved.